Clotheslines in the living room – Work In Progress

detail - art quilt
A detail from the quilt - "Between the Blast and Now" in progress.

In some of these details, you can see a hint of the primordial creatures who haunt or frolic the dreamscape –  inspired in part by sea creatures in this hoax email. This piece is also an exploration of innate dreams and TimeStretching. Below are some more pix of the quilt, in progress.

Cloth in the sink after 2nd dye bath
detail - art quilt
Clotheslines in the living room mean "the art" is happening. Also, Clotheslines in the Living Room would be a great song title for my debut country record: Drunk and Uninvited.

dyed pieces hanging to dry
Out to dry: one of the pieces drying after dye bath.
Another detail of cloth in the sink after dye bath
detail - art quilt
Some colorful details and textures so far...
ironing art quilt
The real work of fabric printing is the ironing to set the prints. Hot, bothersome work. Maybe someday I will have a better process (like a speed dryer I can feed prints through), but for now, it's "Iron, woman! Iron!"
detail - art quilt
The layers of time spent with this quilt are starting to show, I think that's my favorite part of my art-quilt projects. You can tell when someone spent time making something.

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