Category: Tutorials

Tutorial: Scrap Fabric Wreath

holiday wreath
Holiday wreath for our front door, made with fabric scraps from past projects.

This weekend I had a little time to muck about in the studio — after I finally finished the much-dreaded office/studio clean up. I can see my drafting table again! It’s always nice to have a clean, cheerful studio to play in.

I made this wreath with some fabric scraps I couldn’t bear to throw in the trash, and I really like how it turned out. I used some white fleece I’d used for batting in a recent art quilt project for the ‘flowers’ and bits of red and orange flannel (from the same quilting project) and curtain sheer (from a screen printing project) for the rest of the wreath. I love it when I can use my ever-expanding rag bag for something fun!

If you’d like to make a scrap wreath for yourself, download a PDF Tutorial I put together here or continue reading. It’s very simple and I finished mine in an afternoon. I’ll outline the steps after the jump. If you make one, let me know, I’d love to see what other people do with the same idea! Continue reading “Tutorial: Scrap Fabric Wreath”