Going Big: “Together” in the Art Park

In Progress - together in this town

One project in the studio this month is a 4′ x 6′ piece commissioned by the AFAS Group as part of their Public Arts Initiative. The initiative works to bring art to public areas and  into people’s daily lives. AFAS’s project includes an permanent outdoor gallery that opened in the fall of 2012– the brainchild of my friend and fellow Winston artist, Kendall Doub, who invited me to participate in this upcoming exhibit. 

Since it’s the 100 year anniversary for Winston Salem, AFAS requested artists to work around a loose theme of “Celebrate W-S” and create work about or inspired by the city we live in. My working title is “Together in this City”, and I am incorporating a whimsical nod to the Winston skyline. Here are a few photos of the painting in progress.

Together in this city (working title) - in progress
Sketching out the main characters

Together in this city (working title) - in progress

It’s been interesting to go back and forth between the paper casting projects I’m working through and this larger, flatter world. I’ve been translating my techniques for printing and building up a patina of distressed  layers on fabric to this surface and I’m remembering how much fun time spent with a large canvass can be!

Together in this city (working title) - in progress
painting in the background
In Progress
masking out figures and printing first background layer: the sunset
In Progress
Second layer of printing, background underpainting: foliage in orange
Together in this city (working title) - in progress
Clasped hands, after the 2nd round of printing, with masking removed

Together in this city (working title) - in progress
Together in this city (working title) - in progress

Together in this city (working title) - in progress
In Progress - together in this town

Recognize that landmark in the skyline?

In Progress - together in this town

In Progress - together in this town

In Progress - together in this town

In Progress - together in this town
underpainting complete, ready for the next layer
In Progress - together in this town
my current favorite part of this painting, the bottom right corner with creature #2’s arm

The outdoor gallery is located at 204 West 6th Street beside AFAS’ Unleashed Arts Center in the city’s downtown arts district. The Spring exhibit exhibit, including five new public art pieces, will be unveiled at the Gallery Hop May 3rd. You can find AFAS on facebook here.

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