
Woodie Anderson "23me's" print

Woodie Anderson / Woodsherry Anderson / deftgurl

Woodie Anderson is an artist, illustrator, art director and graphic designer living and working in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You can see some of her artwork here and  a design portfolio here. A few press clippings are here.

Woodie is also a member of the artist collective SEED and a participating artist in the Art-O-Mat. Her most recent Art-O-Mat series, HankiePankie Limited Edition Collapsible Fine Art Prints, includes work hand-printed on reclaimed fabrics, including bed linens and other fabrics the artist collected from vintage stores and other sources.

Her work is featured in The Art-O-Mat “Unpacked” Book and in “Art Quilts at Play” by Jane Davila and Elin Waterston. She has also participated in exhibits at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, as well as other national and regional galleries.

For more information visit the artist online at art.woodieanderson.net, simply email her or check out her Etsy shop at etsy.com/shop/deftgurl.